DIY - Coke Float

Hey! So I bet everyone has already heard of these, but I decided to try and do a 'Coke Float' myself at home and see how it turned out. My mum absolutely loves these and is convinced she invented them when she was a teenager herself. This is a really easy and quick DIY, so I hope you all enjoy and try it out yourselves!

These are the ingredients I used; nothing major, just some plain vanilla ice cream and a bottle of coke. I chose a fairly large glass because I was being greedy and wanted a lot of it (haha) but you can use whatever size you want depending on how much you actually want.

And this was the end result! I basically added the ice cream to the glass first (I did a good 3 spoonful's but you can do however much you like, then added the coke) At first I was quite alarmed by the bubbles on top, but I am told that is how it actually goes because its the ice cream and the coke mixing together. Its a very strange taste, which I think not everyone will like, but I did quite like it. I would say use a spoon to eat the ice cream, and mix that with the coke too, to get the unique flavour that this offers because that's why you made it right?  
This is pretty filling as well, so you could easily even make this in the afternoon or the evening when you're feeling peckish but don't want to have something too big.
I hope you all have fun trying this out for yourselves and tasting the unique flavouring from the ice cream and the coke!


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