Bye bye summer

I think its so depressing that summer is officially over now. This occurred to me last night, when it was already pitch black by 8:30pm! I'm really going to miss those summer nights where it gets dark at like 10pm. But what I'm reallyyyyyy going to miss is the summer clothes. Now I prefer the summer trends that come out, all the cute skater dresses, maxi dresses, short sleeved tops, crop tops etc, and now all I see in every single store is winter coats! I literally run away every time I see one, I just don't think I'm mentally prepared for cold days/nights again. I want to continue wearing all of the cute summery looks, not just jumpers or coats. I guess because Britain doesn't normally have the best summers (its the truth yo) but this year I'd say we had a pretty good one. For British standards anyways.

But at the same time, I was one of those people moaning and complaining that I was 'too hot' a little while ago, so I know that I'm going to be like 'I'm too cold' as soon as the cold air starts to hit us. You can't win really can you? Us Britain's love to complain about the weather, be it lovely and hot or freezing cold, we will ALWAYS find something to complain about.

I think as well that the end of summer this year for me is a pretty big thing because soooo many of friends will be leaving for university. I decided not to go this year, I wanted to work and gain a bit of money before actually having nothing when I get there. I guess the 'idea' of university doesn't really appeal to me, like other than the parties & making new friends, the whole fact that I'd STILL be in education for another 3-4 years really bores me. I'm not saying that I won't apply and end up going next year, but I just don't think I'm ready yet. I think university isn't something you should just do because everyone else is and you don't want to be left out, you should do it because it offers the subject that truly interests you. You need to remember that university isn't free, so don't just do it for the sake of it... really think about it first. And after I really thought about it all, I kind of made up my mind there and then. I was really only going because my friends were and because my parents wanted me to, not because I wanted to. This is the one time you can truly be selfish and think about what YOU want, not what other people want from you.

Good luck to anyone going university soon!:) and help me with giving a sad goodbye to summer time *waves*


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