Beauty Wishlist
Hey everyone! Wow, two posts in one day...lucky you haha. I have been browsing through a bunch of beauty products that I've heard are really good or simply that I've seen and would love to get my hands on them. Some of these products are not very highly priced at all, but others are going to make a slight dent in my pocket.
I haven't actually got a single thing from Estée Lauder ever, but seeing this made me want to make this my first purchase. I don't really use primer, but I have been hearing people talk about it and in all honestly when I see photos of people with and without primer, it does look so different. I don't think the pricing is bad at all either (for the smaller bottle that is haha) so I wouldn't mind forking out the money to get my hands on this. I've read a few reviews on this too, and all of them were all very positive which interested me more. I like to try new things with my makeup, I'm not one of those people to stick with the same foundation or whatever for months or even years, so I'm really excited to try this little baby out and see if it works as well on me as it did on everyone else.
Oribe -Dry Texturizing Spray - £38.00
So this is one thing that I have been hearing about LOADS. One of the main people I've heard mention this is 'Zoella.' Since like me, she has very long hair, I was really interested when she said that this is amazing for longer hair. I've always struggled finding a hairspray that actually works like it said it will on the tin for my hair, since it is long and quite heavy most hairsprays don't really do much. Now the one thing that almost makes my eyes water is the price. £38.00 is cheap at all for a hairspray, so that would be the only reason that I'm swaying to either get it or not.
Smoked Cocoa: Eyeshadow RiRi MAC - £33.00
So this one is fairly new to MAC, and I've heard through other bloggers that the Rihanna selections within MAC aren't usually that special, but everyone seems to be liking this one. I love smokey-eye effect eyeshadow's, and the colours on this one look so amazing. They all look like they'd blend really well together and give a good effect. Unfortunately, this is completely sold out which makes me really sad but at the same time I guess it's letting me hold onto my money for that little bit longer haha. £33.00 will probably be the most money I will ever spend on eyeshadow, but I don't know I think this does really look worth it. Am I going crazy or something haha?

MAC 213 Fluff Brush - £18.00
I am loving MAC at the moment, and I was just looking through their brushes and came across this beauty. I've always had trouble finding a good eyeshadow brush that actually covers the lids really nice and evenly, but this one sounds like it would do the job perfectly. By the look and size of the actual brush itself, it looks like it would blend in the colour on my lids really well. I find that with the brushes that look slightly more neat and stiff, they don't apply as well as brushes that have a more messier and fluffy look to them like this one. I don't really think the price is that bad either, so I think this one is a definite 'going to be with me soon' item.

Estée Lauder Illuminating Perfecting Primer - £22.50 (30ml) £75.00 (100ml)
I haven't actually got a single thing from Estée Lauder ever, but seeing this made me want to make this my first purchase. I don't really use primer, but I have been hearing people talk about it and in all honestly when I see photos of people with and without primer, it does look so different. I don't think the pricing is bad at all either (for the smaller bottle that is haha) so I wouldn't mind forking out the money to get my hands on this. I've read a few reviews on this too, and all of them were all very positive which interested me more. I like to try new things with my makeup, I'm not one of those people to stick with the same foundation or whatever for months or even years, so I'm really excited to try this little baby out and see if it works as well on me as it did on everyone else.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked my little products too! Do any of you guys have these? Are they as good as what everyone says? Let me know!
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