Autumn & Halloween

(My little dog, Anna haha)

Hey everyone. So it finally feels like autumn is upon us now; the bitter coldness that we aren't used to anymore is back and the leaves are falling from the trees around us. Don't get me wrong, I love summer but autumn has to be my other favourite season. Not only does everything start to look really pretty, Halloween is also fast approaching! I am a sucker for this time of year (other than Christmas of course!) I just love how much effort people put into making their homes look spooky for the little ones, and how the older kids put so much effort into deciding which outfit to wear for a party or for hitting the town. This will be my first year actually going clubbing for Halloween, which I am very excited about. My friends and I have all been trying to decide what to go as; we've all pretty much decided though that we want it to look scary (not like other girls who dress up for the pure fact they want to wear even less clothing haha). One of my friends really wants the both of us to go as undead burlesque dancers, which in theory does sound really fun but can you just imagine the outfits?! They are going to be pretty much a bra and panties! But I'm not going to lie, I am very keen to find some suitable outfits for us burlesque style. But then I keep thinking about going as one of those dead nurses, kind of like the ones from the Silent Hill franchise. They just look so so creepy, but at the same time not so creepy that people will be like 'ewww' when they see us. I don't know... do you guys have any ideas? Nevertheless, its going to be manic but I am so excited for it! (AND its student night, so even better!)

The fashion that comes out around autumn is also one of the reasons I love it so much. I am a huge fur coat fan, so seeing so many of them appear in stores makes me so happy. Now, I know the idea of wearing coats until basically June next year is a depressing thought, but just stay positive and just look at the beautiful clothes around you. Yes it sucks that jumpers, hats, scarfs, gloves and everything warm is coming back and our pretty little dresses are being replaced, but I have seen so many cute little things now that I'm beginning to not care anymore. The one place that I keep going in all the time, due to their fantastic autumn stock, is Topshop. I love this place, but sometimes I feel that they sometimes miss the mark on what's fashionable and what's not, but this time they are dead on! I have seen about a million jumpers that I want to purchase, and the new little boots they have are just so adorable. I'm literally running out of money as we speak haha. I would highly recommend (if you haven't already) looking online at some of their stuff because yes it is slightly pricey, but everything is so worth it.

Not only on the fashion side, but the beauty side is so good in the autumn/winter time too. The lipsticks colours begin to change, and the more darker colours are coming in. I recently purchased the Baby Lips Lip Balm by Maybelline, and in this kind of weather your lips are going to chap (sorry ladies) and this thing is literally amazing. They are so reasonably priced too, at only £2.99 each, they are definite must by. With how many lips balms, and little Vaseline tins are coming out now, girls these kind of products are must in this weather. Even the body lotions are getting a more richer smell to blend more with the Christmas feel I think, which I love!
I don't know, this season just makes me feel all cosy and lovely, even if the weather is freezing outside my front door. Do you guys feel the same, or are you an autumn hater haha?

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a good Halloween too!


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