MAC Lipstick

MAC Lipstick - 'Up The Amp' (Lavender Violet)
I don't actually own a single thing from MAC (I know, how shocking!) but I have recently been eyeing up the lipstick. This has been my favourite looking one so far. I've been looking so long for a nice purple shade that isn't too dark, and I think I've seen the perfect shade. Well, it looks really nice in the pictures anyways so that's all I can go on since there isn't a MAC store near me, unless I want to train/drive up to London. It's not that pricey either, only £15, which I don't think is that bad to be honest. I'm hoping for a couple for my birthday at the end of the month, lets all cross our fingers and toes!

MAC Lipstick - 'Crème d' Nude' (Pale muted peach beige)

MAC Lipstick - 'Candy Yum-Yum' (Neon pink)
These are two other shades that I have also been looking at. I wanted to get three completely different shades, otherwise its no point in buying them if they kind of look the same is there? They both really remind me of summer shades too, unlike 'Up The Amp' which I think is why I like them so much. I still don't want to say no to summer all together just yet (or ever!) I've heard good things about the these two shades too, and they always look really nice when people take photo's wearing them, so I thought I must have these too!
If you guys know of any other shades, I'd love it if you gave me a little comment below! Being a complete newbie to MAC makeup, I really don't know what shades are good and what aren't so good haha!
Hope you all agree with my three choices (I hope so!) and I'll update you all at the end of the month on whether I get one of these and I'll do a little review!
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