I heart the body shop
So a little while ago I purchased three products from The Body Shop; a blueberry body butter, a lemon body scrub and a pair of exfoliating gloves.

Blueberry Body Butter - £8.00
Sweet Lemon Body Scrub - £8.00
(Both down from £12.50)
Blueberry Body Butter - The one thing I absolutely love about this product is the smell, its so nice and long lasting! Every time I put it on after I've had a shower or bath, I can still smell it on my skin hours later. I usually use body cream, instead of body butter, because I prefer the silkiness of it. But I think after this product, I have been turned to a fully converted body butter lover. Yeah, this is quite a thick consistency but its not so thick that you can't actually spread it evenly, it does blend really well. So definitely money well spent there!
Sweet Lemon Body Scrub & Exfoliating Gloves - This body scrub is to die for! Now, this is my first ever time using body scrub (I never really understood how to use it lol) but I find myself using all the time. I purchased the gloves to use with this product, since I heard that it is better to use the gloves than just your hands. The smell is amazing, I love any lemon smelling product, but this one is by far the best one I have ever smelt. The texture was so weird to me, it feels rough when you are rubbing it in, but then afterwards your skin just feels so smooth and soft its so worth it. There's a first for everything, and I am so glad I tried this one out.
I love the body shop, so I hope all of you go out and just having a spend splurge in here because you will be thanking me so much at the end of it all!
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