Hey everyone!
So I've been seeing a bunch of both YouTuber's and Blogger's doing this tag recently, and just having so much fun with it, so I thought I'd give it a go too!
So I've been seeing a bunch of both YouTuber's and Blogger's doing this tag recently, and just having so much fun with it, so I thought I'd give it a go too!
So I hope you guys enjoy finding out A LOT more about me (good luck!)
1: What are you wearing?
This one is super boring I'm afraid; I'm just wearing my silk dressing gown that I got from Debenhams. And earlier I was in my work uniform, so nothing special I'm afraid!
This one is super boring I'm afraid; I'm just wearing my silk dressing gown that I got from Debenhams. And earlier I was in my work uniform, so nothing special I'm afraid!
2: Ever been in love?
Nope I haven't yet
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Well most breakups are pretty horrible, but I haven't had a really terrible one
4: How tall are you?
I'm quite small I've been told; I am 5ft 4
5: How much do you weigh?
6: Any tattoos?
Not yet! But I have a few in mind:)
7: Any piercings?
I have the usual ear piercings and then three at the top of my left ear, but I want my belly pierced next!
8: OTP?
One true pairing?! Umm, Elena and Damon from Vampire Diaries hehe
9: Favourite show?
Its out of Game of Thrones, True Blood, Vampire Diaries or The Walking Dead. I can't decide!
10: Favourite bands?
I don't think I have a favourite band, I listen to more solo artists now that I think about it...
11: Something you miss?
My mum & dad as they are away on hols at the moment in Dubai :( (yep I didn't even get an invite....not jealous or anything....)
12: Favourite song?
I literally LOVE & cannot stop listening to 'Collar Full' by Panic! At The Disco. This is my jam right now.
13: How old are you?
14: Zodiac sign?
15: Quality/s you look for in a partner?
A good sense of humour because I'm so childish its unreal, so I need them to be able to be silly with me, kind, know the usual haha!
16: Favourite Quote?
I don't really know that many quotes if I'm being honest....AH my aim from now is to find one that just speaks to me and I'll remember it and quote it all the time I promise!
17: Favourite actor?
There were so many names jumping around my head, but my favourite has to be Leonardo DiCaprio. He's just so talented and to be honest he just seems like such a softy, I just imagine him to be so super nice and chilled. But a close second was Seth Rogen; I think if we ever met, we would be the best of friends for definite!
18: Favourite colour?
I love pastel blues and pinks
19: Loud music or soft?
I like a bit of both; I listen to acoustic styled music and then loud dance/pop/R&B sounds, so I like anything really!
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
My room usually with a bowl of sweets and I usually put on some soppy romantic film that makes me feel even worse haha
21: How long does it take you to shower?
Around 15 - 20 minutes
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
This varies; if I'm getting ready for work, an hour or so, but if its for just going out then near two hours. I KNOW, I'm literally the slowest person ever ok!
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
Haha, no I haven't! If you saw me in real life, you would understand why
24: Turn on?
Defined jaw line, nice teeth, smelling GOOOD, good fashion sense, guys in suits, stubbly beards....the list goes on.....
25: Turn off?
Talking down to me or just talking to me like I'm an idiot, crooked/yellow/bad teeth, not smelling GOOOD, too much arrogance, no sense of humour
26: The reason I joined Youtube?
*Blogging ;)
Well my big passion is writing, and I've been reading blogs for so long now so in the end I just started thinking 'I could do that' and so I went ahead and started this! I just love talking about little things I've purchased recently and giving people ideas on little makeup or clothes choices that they maybe hadn't seen before.
27: Fears?
My BIGGEST fear ever is spiders. I know everyone says that but I am literally terrified of them.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
This just as sad as it sounds, but I was browsing through YouTube as you do, and I came across wedding proposal videos and lets just say...I cried at nearly everyone I saw. Sad I know.
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
I told my mumzie the other day actually (aw I'm such a cutie I know)
30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
*Blogging again ;)
Its nothing amazing to be honest, I wear a little black dress to work every day and I think everyone should have a little black dress in their lives too. So yeah, that's where it came from, very imaginative.
31: Last book you read?
'Allegiant' by Veronica Roth. The LAST Divergent series book :( it was so emotional and amazing and just wow. P.s. I will be doing a blog post about this series very soon guys!
32: The book you’re currently reading?
I'm not reading any at the moment because I recently just finished the above!
33: Last show you watched?
Teen Wolf; I've just started it and I'm liking it so far!
34: Last person you talked to?
My nan awww
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Mother and daughter, she just text me making sure I was ok whilst she was away. We are too cute sometimes I swear.
36: Favourite food?
Either pizza or sushi!
37: Place you want to visit?
Japan, America (again), uhhh there are so many places!
38: Last place you were?
My room
39: Do you have a crush?
40: Last time you kissed someone?
I kissed my doggy if that counts haha?
41: Last time you were insulted?
My friends and I often insult each other when we see each other, so the other day? Don't worry, its all good fun and we love each other anyway
42: Favourite flavourr of sweet?
Something sourrrr
43: What instruments do you play??
I can't play anything:( I use to play guitar, and recorder (for a week when I was a lil girl) but nothing now
44: Favourite piece of jewellery?
My Pandora bracelet; I went for the pink coloured beads and some gold ones :)
45: Last sport you played?
Woooow, umm..... god knows! I'm probably the least sporty person there is
46: Last song you sang?
It was a mix of 'Do you wanna build a snowman?' and 'Teenage Dirtbag' whilst I was in the shower. Yeah, just try and imagine what it sounded like...
47: Favourite chat up line?
How you doin'?
48: Have you ever used it?
Sadly no, but I'll have to sometime and see what they do
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Saturday night; I went to Nandos and the cinema with my girls and saw The Quiet Ones oooooooo
50: Who should answer these questions next?
(see what I did there)
Ok, so thanks for reading and I hope you liked learning a little more about me...even if it was the really weird parts of me! If any of you do the tag too make sure to tag me in it so I can have a little nose myself haha.
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