My Daily Skincare Routine | Skincare
It's always horrible waking up on a Monday morning, realising you have work (boo) and feeling even more tired than when you went to bed in the first place. So for me, one way I like to revive and make myself look less tired, is by a regular skincare routine. Now I know I probably don't have the BEST skincare routine out there, but this one works well for me and my skin. When I've finally stumbled out of bed, I usually stare at myself in the reflection for a while, almost gobsmacked that I look this rough every morning. After drowning in self pity for a bit, I'll open my draw and grab my Johnson's Face Care Makeup Be Gone Refreshing Wipes and gently wipe around my eyes, getting off any excess makeup from the day before that I've rubbed off in the night. I always find that even though I take my makeup off before bed, I usually wake up with a slight panda eyes. I love this wipes; I've been using them for a good couple of years now, and I just feel they...